Why do this course?

  • Undertake. Section J Assessments

    Unpack the mystery that is Section J and learn how to undertake Section J assessments and provide compliant reports that any building certifier will be happy to accept. Add another string to your bow and a new revenue stream.

  • Undertake Useful CPD

    Don't just waste your time doing the same old CPD just to collect the hours. This course attracts 6 hours of non-technical CPD.

  • Learn from industry experts

    This course is run by Beau Brown, one of Australia's leading experts in Section J assessments. Beau has undertaken thousands of assessments over more than 15 years.

What is Covered in This Course?

Who is this course for?

  • Thermal Performance Assessors

    Are you a thermal performance assessor, BASIX Assessor or NatHERS Assessor and want to undertake Section J assessments of commercial buildings?

  • Architects and Designers

    Are you designing Class 2 to Class 9 buildings and want to know more about compliance with Section J or NCC 2022?

  • Builders

    Are you a builder or tradie and want to know more about Section J and how to comply with the NCC?

Pricing options

Get valuable CPD points now

Don't do the same old boring CPD. Add another string to your bow and undertake Section J assessments!

Get started now

Bonus material

In addition to the course you get:

  • Comparison between NCC 2019 and 2022

    A detailed Lexicon comparing each section of NCC 2019 and NCC 2022.

  • Quizzes

    Test your knowledge and understanding of each module by completing a quiz.

  • Section J Report Structure

    A best-practice structure for a Section J Report containingxx all the detail that Building Certifiers want to see.


  • What is covered in this course?

    This course covers: - An overview of the NCC - NCC 2022 Compliance Pathways - Classifying Buildings - Climate Zones - Evidence Requirements - Thermal Bridging - Total R-Value Calculations - J4: Building Fabric, walls and glazing - J5: Building sealing - J7: Artificial lighting and power - J6, J8. & J9: Other services - Reporting and certification

  • How is this course delivered?

    This course is a series of 8 videos over nearly 6 hours. The videos are a pre-recorded presentation that you can go back and watch over and over again. The course also contains a number of quizzes.

  • How long do I have access to the course?

    you have access to hte course for 12 months from the date of enrolment.

  • Do I get a certificate?

    Yes, you are provided with a certificate on successful completion. You can take this to your AAO or professional body to claim CPD points or hours.

  • How many CPD points or hours do I get?

    This course attracts 6 hours / CPD points.

  • Will there be real life exercises to commence a section J report?

    Yes there is a real life case study that is used as a way of helping you apply the knowledge covered.


Matthew Graham

One of the few I trust to deliver

Matthew Graham

Beau Brown is one of the few I trust working in this industry with the experience, ability and confidence to deliver.
Michael Young


Michael Young

Beau is our go-to guy for all things Section J. He has a long track record and is highly sought after by industry to do this work.