What will you achieve?
By the end of the course, you will be able to demonstrate the skills and knowledge to:
- Download and install FirstRate5 software (5.2.3)
- Zone the building
- Model walls, windows, ceiling penetrations and floor types, including insulation and various glazing types
- Build unique wall constructions using the FirstRate5 wall builder
- Model external shading, screens, eaves and adjacent buildings
- Calculate heating and cooling loads
- Calculate building star ratings for single storey homes, double storey homes and multi-storey apartments
- Produce the NatHERS report required as evidence towards the Certificate IV in NatHERS Assessment qualification
Course curriculum
1.0 - Welcome
2.0 - Getting Started
3.0 - Entering Data
4.0 - Zoning
5.0 - Adding External Shading
6.0 - QA Check on Data Entry
7.0 - Calculate the Rating
8.0 - Rating Multi-Storey Buildings
Submission Activities
1.1 - Welcome to Using FirstRate5 for NatHERS Assessments Video Series Introduction to FR5.2.10 -
2.1 - Getting Started 2.2 - Registering FirstRate5 2.3 - Download FirstRate5 2.4 - Installing FirstRate5 >>Resource<< FirstRate5 User Guide -
3.1 - Taking information from the plans and drawings 3.2 - BDAV Checklist 3.3 - Understanding the NatHERS Technical Note 3.4 - Opening FirstRate5 3.5 - Entering Details 3.6 - Settings for Building Classes 3.7 - Settings for Terrain Categories 3.8 - Import the plan 3.9 Adding plans for multi-story buildings 3.10 - Set the scale and north point >>Activity 1 - Entering Data<< -
4.1 - Drawing Zones 4.1.1 Drawing Zones Part 1: How to draw in a zone 4.1.2 Drawing Zones Part 2: Zoning examples >>Activity 2 - Draw in your first Zone<< 4.2 - Set Zone Properties 4.2.1 - Setting zone properties 4.2.2 - Subfloor settings 4.2.3 - Floor settings 4.2.4 - Ceiling settings 4.2.5 - Dealing with sloping ceilings 4.2.6 - Zoning settings 4.2.7 Split Areas 4.2.8 Split Area Workflow 4.3 - Set Wall Properties 4.3.1 - Setting wall properties 4.3.2 - Standard wall settings 4.4 - Enter openings in walls (doors and windows) 4.5 - Setting the properties for doors and windows 4.5.1 - Entering window and door details 4.5.2 - Window opening settings 4.6 - Draw in any skylights or roof windows 4.7 - Ceiling penetrations 4.7.1 - Ceiling penetrations 4.7.2 - Understanding Technical Note 2 4.7.3 - Air leakage settings 4.8 - Ceiling fans 4.9 - Adding staircases and voids >>Activity 3 - Zoning<< -
5.1 - Draw in external screens 5.2 - Adding an eave to a wall 5.3 - Add wing walls >>Activity 4 - Add external shading<< -
6.1 - Checking data entered 6.2 - BDAV Checklist >>Activity 5 - Locate and correct errors<< FirstRate5 Sample File >>Activity 6 - QA Check of Data << -
7.1 - Calculate the rating 7.2 - Analysing the dwelling FR5 Certificate -
8.1 - Adding backgrounds for multi-storey buildings 8.2 - Adding staircases and voids 8.3 - Apartment walls 8.4 - Apartment basements -
FirstRate5 Resources -
Course Completion Checklist >>Activity 7 - Submit Complete Rating <<
Armed with the right skills, you’ll be confident working autonomously with FirstRate5
Learn with the experts
Sustainability Facilitator
Michael Young
Michael is a multiple-award winning entrepreneur, international speaker and author. With qualifications in resource and environmental management, business and project management, Michael was instrumental in developing industry leading resources for thermal performance assessors for the Department of Climate Change. His career started by developing Australia's first biomass map and then with a move into project management, Michael worked extensively around the world developing standards to improve the practice of project managers.Michael has won Australian Business Awards in project management, innovation and sustainability. Michael’s work has been featured in BRW, the Australian Financial Review and Smart Company.Michael has edited two books and authored over 50 book chapters, academic and industry articles as well as dozens of blog posts on project, program and portfolio. He also regularly teaches at Universities in Australia and is a sought after speaker delivering keynote addresses both nationally and international. He was recently invited to the United Nations Headquarters to speak with business leaders around the world on improving sustainability in project managementHe is currently working with an international consortium to fund and deliver development projects in Costa Rica, Malaysia, Croatia and the Solomon Islands.
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Erkan - August 2018